Dr Beth Pickard (she/her)
SignAlong - Sign Supported Communication
Beth is an accredited tutor and keen advocate of SignAlong which is a sign supported communication system which promotes the use of spoken language in children and adults with a range of learning disabilities and communication difficulties.
Beth has trained over 500 students at the University of South Wales across a range of disciplines, as well as practitioners from Flying Start, Forest Schools and private nursery settings.
Beth has recently participated in an exciting
collaboration with Mudiad Meithrin and
SignAlong, developing an ebook for their
app, a poster and resource as well as a series of signed Welsh language nursery rhymes. See the initial press release here.
To read more about SignAlong, follow this link.
If you are interested in arranging any SignAlong training for yourself or your organisation, in Welsh or English, please visit the Contact page to be in touch.